"Migrant background" oznacza, ze dziecko w czasie urodzin mialo co najmniej jednego rodzica ktory nie jest obywatelem Niemiec. Mocno szerokie pojecieTheeck pisze:Ja wiem, że to skrajnie prawicowy portal, ale mi chodzi o dane liczbowe, które jeśli są prawdziwe, to zasieki na Odrze trzeba pomału zacząć wznosićhttps://www.breitbart.com/europe/2018/1 ... n-germany/
https://uk.reuters.com/article/uk-germa ... KKBN1HJ2BQ
Tutaj sie dowiemy:
- More than 1.6 million people seeking asylum, mainly from Middle Eastern and African countries, have entered Germany since 2014
- But the Statistics Office said that the rise in the number of foreigners living in Germany was mainly because of an influx of people from other EU states, especially from eastern members that have joined the bloc since 2004.
- This meant that almost half of the 10.6 million foreigners who lived in Germany last year stem from EU countries.
- Citizens of Syria, Afghanistan and Iraq make up 11.2 percent of the total number of foreigners.
Tak wiec nie ma co stawiac zasiekow, bo tam za Odrą to bardziej Krzysiu i Zdenek niż Muhammad i Mohammed